Our network
Over the years, contacts and encounters have grown into partnerships, which today form an important network for us, in which we work and learn. We maintain close cooperation with these partners and also realize common projects. In addition, these partnerships offer the opportunity for valuable exchange and mutual support.

Herb house Ariès
The herb house Ariès was founded in 1979 by Christoph Perret-Gentil in Bioley-Orjulaz. His vision was to create a new quality of medicinal and aromatic herbs in combination with a holistic view. Because according to the basic philosophy, only if the plant has not been disturbed in its cycle during cultivation, care and processing, it can optimally develop its healing effect. Christoph Perret-Gentil has an enormous amount of knowledge that he is happy to share. A walk with him through any landscape opens the view and creates an understanding of the innermost connections and processes in nature.

Christian Rothenbühler Carpenter Atelier, Schüpfen
Since the founding of the joinery in 1987, there has been a close connection between Christian Rothenbühler and the Lange family. Gerhard Lange's love of solid wood has led him again and again to my carpenter shop and later myself to his shop. I was allowed to carry out and accompany all shop conversions, check ideas for feasibility or offer alternatives. In the meantime, I am the contact person for all structural measures and questions about Länggass-Tee.
In my carpenter shop, I have been processing only wood from Switzerland and no tropical woods for over 35 years. For this reason, I have a large selection of very special wood species such as tulip tree, tanners sumac, apple, pear, plum, plane tree, sweet chestnut and of course all common types of wood.
Over the years, I have always expanded my knowledge of construction and also manage larger construction sites with all trades from planning to handing over the keys, be it an old farmhouse or apartment building. In addition to all the work and creative solutions, I have always been inspired by the warmth and solidarity of the family Lange. First with the founders and now also with the second generation. I always look forward to the next contact, the next project and the next wishes of the Länggass-Tee team.

Ursula Kohli, dogudesign
Dogudesign has been closely linked to Länggass-Tee for many years and is dedicated to the diverse craftsmanship of the Japanese tea ceremony (Chanoyu) directly in Switzerland. The tea master Ursula Soko Kohli offers various meticulous crafts as well as customized planning and implementation of Japanese architecture and interior design. Natural materials and, wherever possible, local raw materials are used. The traditional art of repair (Kintsugi) is also on offer, in which ceramics and other materials are repaired and given a new shine.
Association Forum Sensorik
In the best case, food is a work of art. And if we look at food as a work of art, the food sensory system becomes an art contemplation. From this point of view, the Association Forum Sensorik imparts sensory competence for professionals and interested laymen.
In our courses, we teach the basics to grasp and describe food competently, precisely and in your own words. These include a basic understanding of sensory perception, tasting techniques, basic properties of food and the influence of manufacturing processes. The participants acquire tools to successfully develop their sensory competence afterwards.
More partners to follow...